. Products Liquid Handling and Storage Centrifuge Tubes Plastic Centrifuge Tube Racks

Plastic Centrifuge Tube Racks

Plastic centrifuge tube racks helps save laboratory space and are convenient to use. These products are an ideal tool for the handling and long-term (or short-term) storage of samples.

Specification: 15mL 50mL

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Product descriptionDownload

    * Polypropylene (PP)

    * Conforming to USP Class VI standards

    * Suitable for 15 mL and 50 mL centrifuge tubes; surface with markings easy to identify and convenient for experimental recording
    Stackable to save space
    Working temperature range: -80°C – 121°C 
    Can be cleaned for re-use
    Sterilized and non-sterilized available, sterilized by irradiation to SAL 10-6
    DNase/RNase-free, non-pyrogenic

Ordering information

    Cat. No. Volume (mL) Sterile Color Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
    CFR001015 15 N Light green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR011015 15 Y Light green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR002015 15 N Dark green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR012015 15 Y Dark green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR003015 15 N White Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR013015 15 Y White Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR004015 15 N Blue Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR014015 15 Y Blue Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR001050 50 N Light green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR011050 50 Y Light green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR002050 50 N Dark green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR012050 50 Y Dark green Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR003050 50 N White Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR013050 50 Y White Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR004050 50 N Blue Re-sealable bag 5 50
    CFR014050 50 Y Blue Re-sealable bag 5 50

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