. Products Molecular Biology Pipette Tips Pipette Micro Tips

Pipette Micro Tips

Pipette micro tips are used to accurately transfer a small amount of liquid together with a pipette. JET BIOFIL pipette tips can be used with pipettes of most popular brands and are made of polypropylene in line with USP Class VI standards in a 100,000 grade clean room. The high material transparency ensures liquid handling accuracy. They are widely used in liquid pipetting, dispensing and mixing, and in preparing samples for assays and tests.

Specifications: 10 μL 20 μL 100 μL 200 μL 300 μL 1,000 μL 1,250 μL
Available configuration: With filter element   Without filter element

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Product descriptionDownload

* Polypropylene (PP), Filter element: Polyolefin (PO)
* Confirming to USP Class VI standards

* Extended tips can reach the bottom of deep containers with narrow mouths, without touching the edge of the container top, thus reducing the risk of contamination

* Preferred suitable for most brands of micropipettor, such as Gilson, Eppendorf, etc
* Fine graduation facilitates direct visual observation of pipetting volumes
* Smooth inwall of tips reduces liquid adhesion, making it environmentally friendly and able to reduce sample usage
* Available in sterilized and non-sterilized.Sterilized by Irradiation, SAL 10-6

* DNase/RNase free, Non-pyrogenic

Ordering information

Pipette Micro Tips0.110μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT000110 0.1~10 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT221010 0.1~10 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT100010 0.1~10 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT101010 0.1~10 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT050010 0.1~10 Natural N N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT051110 0.1~10 Natural N Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT150010 0.1~10 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT151010 0.1~10 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips0.110μLLong Tips

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT300010 0.1~10 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT301010 0.1~10 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT402010 0.1~10 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT401010 0.1~10 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT350010 0.1~10 Natural N N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT351010 0.1~10 Natural N Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT450010 0.1~10 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT451010 0.1~10 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips0.5~20μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT520020 0.5-20 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT521020 0.5-20 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT510020 0.5-20 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT511020 0.5-20 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT530020 0.5-20 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT531020 0.5-20 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT500020 0.5-20 Natural N N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT501020 0.5-20 Natural N Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips220μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT100020 2~20 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT101020 2~20 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT150020 2~20 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT151020 2~20 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips10100μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT100100 10~100 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT101100 10~100 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT150100 10~100 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT151100 10~100 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips10200μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT000200 10~200 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT000200-1 10~200 Yellow N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT001200 10~200 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT001200-1 10~200 Yellow N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT150200 10~200 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT050200 10~200 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT051200 10~200 Natural N Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT153200 10~200 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT151200 10~200 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT152200 10~200 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette MicroTips10300μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT300300 10~300 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT301300 10~300 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT401300 10~300 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT402300 10~300 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT350300 10~300 Natural N N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT351300 10~300 Natural N Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT450300 10~300 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT451300 10~300 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips1001000μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT000000 100~1000 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT000000-1 100~1000 Blue N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT001000 100~1000 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT001000-1 100~1000 Blue N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT100000 100~1000 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT101000 100~1000 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT050000 100~1000 Natural N N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT051000 100~1000 Natural N Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT150000 100~1000 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT151000 100~1000 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips1001000μLLong Tips

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT070000 100~1000 Natural N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT070000-1 100~1000 Blue N N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT071000 100~1000 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT071000-1 100~1000 Blue N Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT170000 100~1000 Natural Y N Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT171000 100~1000 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 1000 10000
PPT270000 100~1000 Natural N N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT271000 100~1000 Natural N Y Rack Box 96 1920
PPT370000 100~1000 Natural Y N Rack Box 96 1920
PPT371000 100~1000 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips1001250μL

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT371250 100~1250 Natural Y Y Rack Box 96 1920

Pipette Micro Tips96 Per Bag

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Sterile Package Qty. Per Bag Qty. Per Case
PPT611010 0.1~10 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT631010 0.1~10 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT601200 10~200 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT601200-1 10~200 Yellow N Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT631300 10~300 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT601000 100~1000 Natural N Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT601000-1 100~1000 Blue N Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT701010 0.1~10 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT703010 0.1~10 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT701020 2~20 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT701100 10~100 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT701200 10~200 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT701300 10~300 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920
PPT701000 100~1000 Natural Y Y Re-sealable Bag 96 1920

Pipette MicroTipsReloading Rack

Cat. No. Capacity (μL) Color Filter Layer Qty. Sterile Package Qty. Per Box Qty. Per Case
PPT900010 0.1~10 Natural N 10 N Rack Box 960 9600
PPT900200 10~200 Natural N 10 N Rack Box 960 9600
PPT901200 10~200 Yellow N 10 N Rack Box 960 9600
PPT900300 10~300 Natural N 10 N Rack Box 960 9600
PPT900000 100~1000 Natural N 5 N Rack Box 480 4800
PPT901000 100~1000 Blue N 5 N Rack Box 480 4800

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